It’s been long enough now since the release of Marvel’s Spider-Man to wipe away the tears and think what next? Well for fans of everyone’s favourite wallcrawler (love you Yuri) the adventure may not be completely over.

A fan of Insomniac Games asked on Twitter if there would be a New Game Plus Mode and fairly quickly the devs got back and let him and all of us know that yes there is a new mode coming to the much-lauded superhero adventure.

This isn’t a huge deal but any free updates to this game are very welcome. This is especially welcome for any completionists who found unlocking all those trophies insurmountable. I, for example, am currently at 95% on the trophy completion as I’m missing two suits and a hidden trophy. I can’t achieve gold in the Challenge missions so that unfortunately is a hurdle I can’t overcome. With the introduction of the New Game Plus Mode gamers like myself may have the opportunity to platinum this beauty of a game.

Not only that we have the upcoming DLC coming to Marvel’s Spider-Man in October and the following months after. Stay tuned for more Spidey news and if you haven’t read it yet check out our review of Marvel’s Spider-Man here. Be sure to let us know how you’ve gotten on with Spidey. Also, it should be said – shout out to Tony Parker for asking that great question.

About The Author


Graham is the founder of GamEir and his knowledge is ever growing whenever it concerns gaming, films, and cartoons. Just don't ask him about politics.

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