A shadow falls across the land

Assassin’s Creed Odyssey fans get excited as the next episode descends upon you shortly.

Continuing the story arc from the first episode, in the second installment of The Legacy of the First Blade DLC players get to investigate a blockade initiated by the Order of the Ancients around the port city in Achaia.

To have access to the second episode, players must have finished the first episode, Hunted, of the DLC, completed the Naxos questline in Chapter 7 of the main story and reached character level 28 or above.

The Lost Tales of Greece

The fourth and fifth episodes of the free content The Lost Tales of Greece, respectively named “The Daughters of Lalaia” and “A Poet’s Legacy”, will be available in January. To start The Daughters of Lalaia, players need to make sure they have reached Chapter 5 of the main story, and are in the region of Phokis.

The first quest is called “The Village”, and we recommend that your minimum Level is 13. To start A Poet’s Legacy, players need to reach Chapter 5 of the main story and make their way to the Boetia region. The first quest is called “Praxilla’s Admirer”, and we recommend that your minimum Level is 34.

A New Cyclops emerges, welcome Arges

Face the legendary Cyclops Arges known as the Bright One, and get the chance to earn his legendary weapon; the Hammer of Hephaistos. He resides on a Volcanic island in the Angry Caldera of Arges. We recommend that your minimum Level is 50 when attempting to face Arges.

New mythic gear

  • The Dionysos Pack contains a gear set, mount, and a legendary dagger. As always, this pack will be available in the store and at the Oikos of the Olympians at the same time.
  • In addition, the Athena Character & Naval Pack will arrive later this month.

New wonders to behold

  • The new title update will bring to the game one of the most requested features: the Level Scaling setting. Visit the options menu to find it; from there, players will be able to customize how drastically the enemies will scale to their level. The option will not be available in Nightmare Difficulty mode to maintain its challenging nature.
  • Two new tiers will be added to the Mercenary Ladder.
  • A new vendor will be added to the game. Hephaistos’ Workshop can be found in the Myson Cave in the Malis region.

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I have to say all these updates add a further layer of depth to the gaming experience within Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. Be sure to check out our review on Assassin’s Creed Odyssey to see what we thought of the latest in the Assassin’s Creed franchise *SPOILER ALERT* We liked it.

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