Rejoice! Monsters and demons are roaming the land! Free League Publishing has launched its crowdfunding campaign – a double-feature for the multiple award-winning RPG Forbidden Lands. The time has come to fight murderous monsters and explore the demon-infested lands of the west.

Brace yourself, because the Kickstarter offers two major expansions:

  • Book of Beasts, a bestiary you can play, beautifully illustrated and filled to the brim with murderous monsters and lethal encounters.
  • The Bloodmarch, a campaign book expanding the game world and including a full campaign – Legacy of Horn.

Forbidden Lands: Book of Beasts

Forbidden Lands: Book of Beasts is a bestiary you can play. It presents at least twenty-five new monsters in great detail, with further bonus monsters unlocked as stretch goals. Each beast comes ready to play with tailored random encounters. This presents the GM with a handy set of mini-adventures to go.

The book also includes legends about each monster, introduces the option to harvest resources from slain beasts, and lets players use their Lore skills to gain insight into a monster´s strengths and weaknesses. This will help you and your fellow adventurers to defeat – or at least survive – an encounter with the book´s monstrosities.

Among the monsters within these covers, you will find the Amphibian, the Basilisk, the Iron Dragon, the Twisted Ent, and many more, ready for use in any Forbidden Lands campaign.

Forbidden Lands: Book of Beasts is penned by seasoned game writers Andreas Marklund and acclaimed Swedish fantasy author Erik Granström, gloriously illustrated by Henrik Rosenborg and with graphics by Niklas Brandt.

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Forbidden Lands: The Bloodmarch

With this expansion, Forbidden Lands will become even stranger. The Bloodmarch is the name given to the volcanic region west of Ravenland, accessible as the Shadowgate Pass is again opened. This ancient land of battle-ready horse riders and secretive dwarves is rapidly changing. This is due to the demonic vegetation spreading across the land. Most see this red curse as a threat to all that is good. There are others however who view it as a good thing.

You will be able to choose a side, or side with yourself, as the Legacy of Horn campaign sets explorers on a hunt for Horn´s Astra, a legendary set of artefacts sought by many in the ashen land. These powerful items are said to be able to stop the demonic growth. Or they could be powerful enough to ensure its triumph.

The Bloodmarch and the Legacy of Horn are written by acclaimed Swedish fantasy author Erik Granström, lead setting writer for Forbidden Lands RPG and designer of the game’s first campaign module, Raven´s Purge. The Bloodmarch is illustrated by Henrik Rosenborg.

Check out both Forbidden Lands: Book of Beasts and The Bloodmarch on the Free League Publishings Kickstarter page here.

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About The Author

Dec is a married gamer of 4 kids and 3 dogs so how does he get the time to game? only the gods know

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