Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment has released a new video for Middle-earth: Shadow of War featuring Kumail Nanjiani (The Big Sick, Silicon Valley), who portrays The Agonizer, a spirited yet deadly Orc enemy, who is just one of the numerous personalities players may encounter through the Nemesis System in the upcoming open-world action videogame.
First revealed at Comic-Con International: San Diego, the video provides a first look at Nanjiani’s Orc character delivering a variety of humourous one-liners that players may come across throughout their game experience. Viewers are also treated to a behind-the-scenes glimpse of Nanjiani’s voice recording session, where he provides additional insight on his preparation for the role.
Seeing Kumail Nanjiani’s introduction into the Middle-earth continuity is something of a double-edged sword. Clearly, a fan of the series and a man of many talents Kumail is an odd choice for a potential villain. His modern sense of humour which he has shown off in the video above is something that honestly took me out of the world, or is it called Middle-world? Nonetheless, Kumail is a huge talent and it’ll be interesting to see what his character The Agonizer will be like in full context. I will say this, for me, it’s going to be fun to turn him to my side and have that sharp humour on my side.
Middle-earth: Shadow of War will be available for Xbox One X, Xbox One, Windows 10 PC (Windows Store and Steam), PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 4 Pro beginning 10 October 2017.
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