Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars Reforged- Remaster or Disaster?
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Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars – Reforged is a remake of the much-loved 1996 point-and-click classic. This new “Reforged” edition is a thoughtful remaster that combines nostalgia with modern-day upgrades, bringing fresh life to one of the most popular adventure games in history

If it ain’t Broken, don’t fix it

Set in Paris, you play as George Stobbart, a sarcastic and witty American who gets caught up in all kinds of trouble after witnessing a murder outside a cafe in Paris. The further he delves into it, the more he and his journalist partner Nico Collard get entangled. Who are the Knights Templar and what have they got to do with what has been going on?

As I stated earlier, this is the holy grail when it comes to point-and-click adventures. Sure there were earlier ones like Maniac Mansion and Day of the Tentacle, but Broken Sword really had a mainstream appeal. But it is a point-and-click. This intrinsically means that some people will find it slow-paced and the controls are somewhat cumbersome when compared to modern games that they’re used to. The PS5 DualSense controller does a good job of utilising its touchpad to make the interactions more user-friendly. Unusually, for a point-and-click game on a console, the controls feel almost natural.

Live by the Sword

But as with all games of this genre, the most important part of the game is the story. This is where Broken Sword really shines. The plot is really engaging and has the right mix of intrigue, ancient folklore and humour. The story cleverly intertwines history, legend, and suspense, filled with twists and turns that keep you hooked throughout.

The voice acting is also top-notch and the sarcastic nature of George Stobbart’s interactions with the characters he meets are a joy. There is a really good dynamic between him and Nico, and the relationship feels very real.

Seeing that they haven’t tinkered with the graphics too much is refreshing. It’s refreshingly old-school while simultaneously contemporary The facial animations are more fluid and natural and the backgrounds are more beautiful than ever. You can really tell that they have put effort into keeping it faithful to the original but also with a modern feel. There is also an option to switch to the original graphics which is a lovely little touch. It also is a great way to really show off the improvements that the developers have made.

Die by the Sword

While the story is really good, there are a few pacing issues that crop up from time to time. As with all games, there are some puzzles/levels, which drag in comparison to others. There are also a handful of puzzles that players will find frustrating. (I’m looking at you goat… if you know, you’ll know). But not to worry! The developers have included a “Story Mode” which streamlines the game and offers helpful nudges when it notices you may be stuck. It’s a great inclusion and really handy for newcomers to this type of game.

Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars – Reforged on PS5 is a brilliant remaster. It manages to breathe life into a classic without sacrificing its original charm. The engaging story, unique puzzles, and brilliantly written characters have aged like a fine wine. Broken Sword truly remains the GOAT of the genre. If you’re a fan of adventure games this remaster is an absolute must-play.

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About The Author

Grumpy Old Man. Believes things were better when he was young.

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