Neva - A beautiful and breathtaking adventure
A short and bittersweet experience. One of the best of 2024.
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The studio that made Gris, Nomada Studio, has returned with a new and exciting title, Neva. This new entry from Nomada tells the tale of Alba and Neva. Alba and her young pup must traverse a land that is slowly succumbing to a strange kind of corruption. As they travel through each season/chapter they must try and fight back this corruption together.

Neva – A hell of a good girl

Neva is one of those games. It’s a game that I will remember for a very long time. Its gameplay mechanics are simple. You the player dodge and slash the many creatures that come from the corruption. As Neva grows in size and strength she also helps with new abilities that you can use for both combat and puzzles. She starts off as a small sidekick but by the end, she strikes quite the figure in battle. The puzzle elements of the game are mainly you trying to navigate your way through areas filled with pitfalls, hazards, and monsters. None of it is too challenging, rather relaxing actually. It is fun though as the creatures “evolve” to combat Alba and Neva. They seem to infect everything, from plants to animals and more.

What stood out to me about Neva was the game’s visuals. It is an absolutely stunning game. There is so much colour, that it explodes from the screen. Each season/chapter has a distinct colour palette. Each has its own personality. Each season also has a level of corruption attached to it and it is fascinating to see how the world is faring against this degradation. Accompanying these visuals is an emotive score, one that brought tears to my eyes. I can’t gush enough about the sincerity and beauty of this game. Every time I would enter a new season/chapter I would be welcomed by all kinds of new wonders.

A beautiful tragedy

Ultimately, Neva is a pet simulator, if said pet was a wolf spirit. You fight with this creature, you grow with this creature, and by the end of this 9-hour journey, I loved Neva. I can’t recommend this game enough, it is a soothing balm and will bring you tears and joy. It’s why games can be so many things to so many people. I applaud the team at Nomada Studio, and now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go pick up Gris.

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About The Author


Graham is the founder of GamEir and his knowledge is ever growing whenever it concerns gaming, films, and cartoons. Just don't ask him about politics.

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