New Gundam Breaker, the latest game of the iconic mecha franchise, today officially launches on the PlayStation Network for PlayStation 4. To celebrate this milestone, Bandai Namco Entertainment Europe has revealed the launch trailer.
Each player of New Gundam Breaker will be gifted a certain amount of in-game currency with a day one patch. Players are free to spend 100,000 GP to their heart’s content and acquire new parts for their Gunpla. The day one patch also provides improved stability for the online mode which is going to ensure smooth interaction with other players.
Customisation is one of the main features of New Gundam Breaker, as players have the chance to create their own model based on their favourite mechs. Build your dream Gunpla, personalise it and jump into battle!
It’s great to be able to build your own Gundam to become the ultimate pilot in the multiverse of Gundam series. I personally would be looking to build something similar in style to the Gundam from Iron Blooded Orphans, Barbatos. Leave your ultimate combination of Gundams in the comments below and let us know at GamEir.
New Gundam Breaker, is now available on PlayStation 4 and will be released on the PC later in the Summer.
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