Monster Hunter series Producer Ryozo Tsujimoto and Sunbreak Director Yoshitake Suzuki have provided a closer look at the Free Bonus Update arriving on June 8th for Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak and was joined by Monster Hunter Rise director Yasunori Ichinose and took a fond look back at the last two years of development for Rise.
The Free Bonus Update features the final monster coming to the massive expansion, Primordial Malzeno, a number of changes to armour augmentations and decorations, and challenging new Event Quests releasing through July 27th. It was also announced that all the content from Title Updates 4, 5, and the Free Bonus Update will arrive as a single package for Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Windows, PlayStation 5, and PlayStation 4 on August 24th.
Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak – A story that had to keep going
The story of Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak was originally intended to end with the climactic clash of Kamura’s forces against Amatsu in Free Title Update 5, however, the Free Bonus Update concludes the age-old relationship between the Elder Dragon Malzeno and the Kingdom.
Starting at Master Rank level 10, Primordial Malzeno brings new ferocious attacks and moves for hunters to contend with and offers victorious hunters parts for a unique new armour set and weapons. Following the launch of the Free Bonus Update on June 8th, Event Quests boasting greater challenges and even more exciting rewards will continue to release until July 27th.
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