Lovecraftians unite! Prepare to descend into madness! Free League Publishing and Design Studio Press have revealed an illustrated edition of H.P. Lovecraft‘s iconic story At the Mountains of Madness. Not only is it illustrated, oh no. At the Mountains of Madness is being illustrated by acclaimed artist François Baranger.

H.P. Lovecraft’s At the Mountains of Madness is one of the greatest classics of American horror literature. It is widely known as the most ambitious story Lovecraft ever wrote. It has also served as a source of inspirations for filmmakers and authors through the years.

At the Mountains of Madness

Set in Antarctica. A place of frozen wastes, desolation, and things best left forgotten. Dreadful secrets are hidden beneath the ice, waiting to be discovered. Introducing William Dyer, a professor from Miskatonic University and the leader of an ill-fated expedition to that remote and forlorn continent.

Recorded in a series of letters, Dyers tells a scarcely believable tale full of anomalous and often horrific events. The expedition ventures further than any other before them, and ultimately pay the price for it. Strange, cyclopean structures squat amidst the mountains towering in the distance. Mountains promising only madness to those who dare to explore their alien architecture.

François Baranger being At the Mountain of Madness

François Baranger was fascinated early on by Lovecraft’s works. He enjoyed exploring the darkest corners of human imagination. Finally, after years of dreaming, Baranger finally began to create his own vision of the Lovecraftian horror. He has previously interpreted the classic The Call of Cthulhu which received international praise.

At the Mountains of Madness is the first of two volumes. The hardback is huge, in 262 x 350 mm folio format, bringing Lovecraft’s horror to life with lavish, full-spread images.

François Baranger has a very impressive portfolio. As a person, I’m hugely impressed. As a fellow artist, I’m blown away. This guy’s work is insane. I’m hugely fascinated by anything to do with HP Lovecraft to begin with. Pair that with amazing art like this? I think we’ve just added another book to my list.

The book is set to launch on November 24th and is now available for pre-order. All pre-orders will ship immediately.

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