Written by Matt Manent, the Nintendo 64 Anthology provides the most comprehensive look at the much-loved Nintendo 64. Cramming in over 400 pages of facts, game reviews, and interviews, it also tells the console’s story – chronicling it’s seven-year journey from development right through to it finally being retired.
What’s included:
All 388 games reviewed – including detailed information such as each title’s release date, developer, publisher, genre, rarity, and a rating out of five (includes full-page reviews of all the classics like GoldenEye, Super Mario 64 and Banjo-Kazooie!).
A huge array of content spanning canceled games, accessories, collectors editions, and, of course, every Nintendo 64 version and bundle.
Interviews with the people involved at the time: Martin Hollis (Rare – GoldenEye) and Eric Caen (Titus – Superman; acknowledged as one of the machine’s worst games)
A collector’s guide section outlining all the games released in each territory (Japan, North America, Europe, and Australia) alongside checkboxes for collectors to mark the games they own and those they don’t.
General Manager of FunstockRetro.co.uk, Andy Pearson said:
“For those who grew up playing on the N64, this book is the ultimate gift. Covering every aspect of the console, from its games right through to its hardware, it has been assembled with all the care and attention you’d hope for as a fan. It’s the perfect addition to any N64 collection.”
Nintendo 64 Anthology News image
The Nintendo 64 Anthology book is available to pre-order exclusively at Europe’s Number One Retro Gaming Destination, FunstockRetro.co.uk now at just £44.99 (€52.67) here!
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