After the critically acclaimed DIGIMON STORY: CYBER SLEUTH, Bandai Namco Entertainment Europe, the premier publisher of anime video games, announces the newest instalment of the series: DIGIMON STORY: CYBER SLEUTH – HACKER’S MEMORY. The Japanese JRPG developed by Media Vision is coming to the West early 2018 for the PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system and for the PlayStation Vita handheld system with Japanese voice-over and English/German subtitles.

Involved in the creation of this new game is; Kazumasa Habu – Producer, Suzuhito Yasuda – Character designer and Masafumi Takada – Composer.

You thought you knew everything tamers? It’s now time to unveil the truth by discovering the secrets about the mysterious events first seen in DIGIMON STORY: CYBER SLEUTH.

With DIGIMON STORY: CYBER SLEUTH – HACKER’S MEMORY you’ll follow Keisuke Amazawa, the main protagonist accused of a crime he didn’t commit, who will have to dive into the Digital World and investigate to prove his innocence, even if that means joining a group of hackers and help them to solve the troubles threatening this mysterious universe…


At a crossroads between real and digital, resolve the troubles of the threatened Digital World, raise and train more than 300 different Digimon and explore a wide range of battle strategies using Digimon skills, compatibilities and combos.

This is great news and I reviewed DIGIMON STORY: CYBER SLEUTH when it released, I can’t help but feel worried that DIGIMON STORY: CYBER SLEUTH – HACKER’S MEMORY  is nothing more than a glorified DLC. The graphics seem similar, the layout of the areas in the Digital World bear a striking resemblance to the preceding game and the battle system looks no different. Hopefully, when a trailer is released some of my worries will be alleviated until then we can only live in hope for not just an expansion but a true sequel to DIGIMON STORY: CYBER SLEUTH. 

DIGIMON STORY: CYBER SLEUTH – HACKER’S MEMORY will be available both physically and digitally for the PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system and in digital only for the PlayStation Vita handheld system in early 2018 in Europe.

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