On this episode of Speakin’ Geek I’m joined by Darren Mooney who many will remember from the last episode of the podcast where he and his cohort in podcast crime Andrew Quinn celebrated Man of Steel and Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. We spent a whole day dissecting and watching the films that formed the DCEU. Their impact, their influences and the various layers that were hidden within their depths. It was all to prepare ourselves for what Justice League may achieve when it was released, well now it’s released and it has made ripples but not in the way fans and the executives at WB would have hoped. It has come in as the lowest-earning DCEU film with an earning of $94 million dollars over its first weekend.

With that in mind, Darren and I discussed what the film did right and what the film did wrong. As the eternal optimist I discuss what I enjoyed about the film but even I had major issues with the film and Darren ever the articulate and intelligent individual was able to rip a new boom tube in the film that he has described as the worst film of the year. At the end of the day though these are just our opinions and we’d love to hear yours.

If you enjoyed this episode of Speakin’ Geek be sure and leave your thoughts in the comments below and if you’re interested in more misadventures of Darren Mooney and me be sure to follow the links below to learn more.

Justice League Review

The 250 podcast

The m0vie blog

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Andrew Quinn Twitter



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