Following the success of its debut last year, Belfast’s RENDR festival returns to the city next month with an extraordinary line-up of creative talent from the global gaming industry. The two-day creativity...
Released on December 14th, 2022 as a free next-gen update for owners of the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC versions of the game, alongside a standalone next-gen digital purchase, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Co...
A Winter Event has started in GWENT: The Witcher Card Game, with festive rewards and offers up for grabs for all players. GWENT’s Winter Event is live right now and will end on January 11th at noon, CET. Dur...
This newest instalment of Journey brings over 80 rewards across more than 100 levels for players to unlock. In addition to battling in GWENT’s Standard, Seasonal and Draft modes, weekly quests can be undertaken...
CD PROJEKT RED have announced the latest patch 1.3 for Cyberpunk 2077. The patch includes an array of improvements and fixes, both stability and performance-wise, geared toward enhancing the overall gameplay ex...
What's this? Why this is The Witcher: Monster Slayer. A new title developed and published by Spokko. Which is set long before the story of CD PROJEKT RED’s The Witcher series of games. In a time where monste...
CD PROJEKT RED and Netflix have revealed details about the upcoming Witchercon. This is the first time that The Witcher has received such love under one event. Hopefully, there will be not just some fun convers...
CD PROJEKT RED and Netflix have announced the virtual fan event WitcherCon. They have also unveiled the date and first details of their global online celebration of The Witcher franchise. The event was annou...
Journey is GWENT's progression system which rewards players as they level up by earning victories in the game’s Standard, Seasonal, and Draft mode matches. Season 5 brings over 100 levels to unlock, each contai...
Gwent, being one of the best card games around, has kicked off its fourth season. CD PROJEKT RED announced that a new season of Journey is now available in Gwent: The Witcher Card Game. Play, level up and earn ...