The world of Fortnite has just introduced new intimidating characters. Four powerful and iconic Dragon Ball characters, Son Goku, Vegeta, Bulma, and Beerus, have arrived in-game, and they’ve brought with them n...
Super Saiyans around the world get ready the new DLC of Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot is a boss battle episode featuring the Goku and Vegeta taking on the fearsome Frieza who will be back stronger than ever. Goku a...
Exciting news as Bandai Namco Entertainment Europe has revealed six new characters playable in Jump Force, as well as announcing details of the online modes. Joining the roster of Jump Force, which sees the ...
Bandai Namco Entertainment Europe has announced Base Goku and Base Vegeta as the newest additions to the Dragon Ball FighterZ roster. Fighters will additionally be able to try for the first time the Nintendo Sw...