The critically acclaimed Monster Hunter Rise series reached new heights after releasing on the Nintendo Switch this year. The series has always received widespread praise for its action RPG gameplay. Additionally, implementing new features with the continued free post-launch support. The gates of Kamura Village are opening to PC players come January 12th, 2022.

And, if you’re looking to sink your teeth into it as soon as you can, you can try the demo. The demo becomes available on October 13th for Steam players. In addition to confirming specifics for Monster Hunter Rise on PC, new information was also revealed for all players including details on upcoming collaboration content and Sunbreak expansion. This new and massive expansion will be available for Nintendo and PC players simultaneously in the summer of 2022.

Monster Hunter Rise will set you off in Kamura village, a tranquil and colourful setting. Attracting wayfarers and visitors with its culture and innovative hunting techniques. The core gameplay and mechanics will stay true to the franchise.

Equipping armour and picking one of 14 different weapon types. Capture and defeat monsters to progress through the game. Using the items gained along the way to craft new gear to improve your stats. It is an RPG after all. Hunters can take on these challenges single-handed or team up with three other hunters. 

Monster Hunter Rise evolves the series by introducing several new and exciting mechanics for hunters to master. For the first time in a Monster Hunter game, wire-based grappling actions can be performed by using a “Wirebug”. Adding a whole new dimension of gameplay. Monster Hunter Rise releases on January 12th for PC players.

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