Surely I’m not the only person to cringe whenever I hear the words EA and Star Wars in the same sentence. EA’s handling of their Star Wars license has left much to be desired with their latest installment Battlefront 2 holding the title for one of the worst launches in recent memory. However, EA are not done with making games about a galaxy far far away just yet with Star Wars : Jedi Fallen Order releasing this year.
We have not heard much about this new Star Wars title except a brief mention of it from Respawns Vince Zampella at E3 2018. Last year the game was bound for a Holiday 2019 release however in a recent EA earnings call that has been pushed up to Fall 2019 as the new release with a date still to be announced but rumors have pegged it for a November release date. Respawn as a whole has had a quiet hectic year so far with the launch of their new free to play game Apex Legends which has been the biggest game in the world as of writing this article and knocking Fortnite from its grand throne of battle royale.
In January 2019, Respawn were still looking for level developers to come in to help with the game which could indicate a possible rush to make the Holiday 2019 deadline without the need to push the game back into 2020 which would have the game release a little bit after the release Star Wars episode 9 in theatres this winter.
Another piece of information pie I have for your faces is that Chris Avellone has finished his part of developing the game which as we know is very exciting considering he was one of the brains behind one of the best Star Wars games ever, Knights of the Old Republic II – The Sith Lords. Star Wars : Jedi Fallen Order has also been named as a single player only game which will make a lot of fans happy to have a Star Wars game that may actually hold there attention for more then 5 loot boxes, I mean minutes. More leaks suggest the story for this new title will be a completely original story based around the time after Revenge of the Sith and following a surviving padawan after the horrendous actions of order 66 deployed by Chancellor Palpatine, aka The Emperor.
This Star Wars title will not be like either Battlefront game, however according to Stig Asmussen, previously of the God Of War series, in a blog in 2016 mentioned he was going to be working on a third person Star Wars game with Respawn. The game possibly being in third person should not make a difference if Respawn are allowed to work in peace on this game without much interference from EA because the last time that happened we got Apex Legends, and I think that had a small bit of success don’t you? for more information on Star Wars : Jedi Fallen Order and all other gaming news be sure to keep an eye on GamEir.
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