Adventures of Pip, the charming retro-inspired platformer where a single pixel evolves (and devolves!) between three forms to become a hero from Tic Toc Games.
The Nintendo Switch version of Adventures of Pip improves on previous editions with new features, optimizations, and quality-of-life improvements.
Join Pip in a retro-style adventure full of wild fun
Embark on a rollicking platforming adventure through Pixelonia, a kingdom where those rendered with more pixels lead more luxurious lives. When the evil Queen DeRezzia from a rival empire steals the kingdom’s pixels and princess, the King and Queen of Pixelonia tell the 1-bit Pip to find someone who can help. Pip soon learns he is a prophesied hero able to connect with the Bitstream and evolve into higher-res forms.
Shift between 1-, 8-, and 16-bit to find the perfect form for defeating each type of enemy, unleashing abilities appropriate for different challenges. Move through tight spaces as 1-bit Pip, whose light frame glides through the skies. Gracefully jump off walls, slam the ground, cling to ledges, and punch and kick as the more acrobatically-inclined 8-bit Pip. Slice through foes and obstacles as 16-bit Pip, a sword-wielding form whose power matches his noble frame.
Learn to weave back-and-forth between the three forms in seamless combos to soar through five themed worlds ranging from lush forests to murky swamps. Travel from stage to stage on a gorgeous overworld, then return to Pips home town to purchase new abilities and consumables unlocked by rescuing 108 wayward residents. Become ever-stronger and takedown, screen-filling world bosses, on the way to saving Pixelonia.
Tic Toc Games set out to improve Adventures of Pip on Nintendo Switch to make it the best possible version of the game. View Achievements any time in the Pause menu, access the Town quicker with a shortcut on the map, auto-collect dropped gems, and travel more quickly as 16-bit Pip.
It has never been easier to enjoy the sweet nostalgia of Pixelonia while bopping along to Jake Kaufman’s (Shovel Knight, Shantae: Half-Genie Hero) triumphant soundtrack.
“Adventures of Pip is our homage to the classic pixel-art games that inspired us as a studio, said Marc Gomez, director, Tic Toc Games. We’re thrilled to bring Adventures of Pip to Nintendo Switch, so players can Switch between Pip’s forms on-the-go.”
Adventures of Pip will release on Nintendo Switch on September 10th in North America, Europe, the UK and Ireland, and Russia for $9.99, with pre-orders available starting today.
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