Developer Polaris-x announced that Sally’s Law, tear-calling award-winning-indie game is finally coming to Nintendo Switch! The game has been re-designed to suit the game for Nintendo Switch, including the all-new Hustle and Bustle co-op mode.
Available at Nintendo Game Store worldwide, Sally’s Law is going to offer multilingual support with system and gameplay: English, Japanese, Simplified/Traditional Chinese, and Korean. Spanish, German, and French will be added in future updates.
<About Sally’s Law>
Sally is on her way home to see her critically-ill father. Unfold the journey of Sally, the girl for whom nothing can stand in her way. A journey teeming with unbelievably-good fortune. Could Sally’s luck be a mere coincidence?
Sally’s Law is the opposite of Murphy’s Law: Anything that can go great will go great! Roll and jump throughout the journey home, revealing Sally and her father’s past. Follow along with Sally as she effortlessly rolls and leaps towards home. Through following their journey, you will find dad and daughter’s family tie. Race…no, ROLL to solve a variety of puzzles! Experience the unique puzzle-platformer, encountering varieties of fun tricks while you enjoy the story.
<Special Features for Nintendo Switch>
- Hustle and Bustle Co-op Mode is available on Switch!
Share your Joy-Con with your friends, family, partner, or anyone to play Sally’s Law in co-op mode!
Instead of playing Sally and her father separately, Nintendo Switch version allows you and the other to play the two characters at the same time!
- Various costumes will be ready!
Dress Sally and her dad, just the way you like!
- All characters will have voice-overs! (+there will be a new character!) You can now follow Sally’s exciting journey with their lovely voices.
- Exclusive Starting and Ending Cinematics are created for Nintendo Switch version!
- Live piano music is specially recorded!
The developers have added immersive cinematics, at the beginning and the ending of the game, exclusively for Sally’s Law for Nintendo Switch. Enjoy Sally’s touching story with the rich cinematics. Enjoy the new cinematics and the live piano music.
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