Curve Digital and Sky 9 Games have announced that A Knight’s Quest will be launching onto the Epic Games store, Nintendo Switch and PlayStation on the 10th October – with the game coming to Xbox One on 11th October. You’ll be able to pick up this modern take on a classic action-adventure platformer for £19.99 / €24.99 / $24.99.

Key Features for A Knight’s Quest:

●      UNLOCK RUSTY’S POTENTIAL – Our hero begins his adventure with just a trusty sword and basic shield, but he’ll soon unlock ‘Spirit Powers’ – spectacular abilities which allow Rusty to, at the tap of a button, he can harness the powers of Fire, Ice and Time.

●      EXPLORE REGALIA – Rusty’s adventure will take him to the desert town of Zameris, high over the ice-laden Peaky Peaks and into the Cursed Swamp, among many others. Encountering a colourful cast of characters along the way.

●      ENEMIES ABOUND – From General Windpipe to The Watcher and many more besides, peril is never too far away.

●       SHOW YOUR SKILL – Combat is fast and fluid, and platforming a dream, with Rusty’s repertoire of acrobatic moves effortless to pull off.  Playing the hero has never felt so rewarding.

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It looks like an old school action-adventure platformer and I am on board. A Knight’s Quest looks like a charming and energetic platformer and I think we all need a platformer in our lives. So with the release coming soon maybe it is now the chance for you platformers out there to start your own quest.

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