Meridiem Games has announced the release of Fahrenheit: 15th Anniversary Edition on PS4. No news yet on whether this will release on PS5. We’ll keep you updated if they do. This is released as a special boxed edition for specific regions. A story-driven interactive drama from a developer team called Quantic Dream. This special edition is now available to purchase.

I Fought The Law & The Law Won

Fans of the story-driven genre can now experience the story of Fahrenheit. Follow the story of Lucas Kane as he’s hunted by detectives Valenti and Miles. Kane finds himself fleeing a murder scene with no memory of how it happened. The decisions you make through the narrative impact how the story plays out. Unravel this supernatural mystery while on the run through New York city. Are you one of the diehard fans, replaying every scene until you manage to unlock all 3 endings?

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Gotta Collect ‘Em All

For all you collectors out there, this special edition of Fahrenheit includes the following. A specially created case and sleeve, a sticker set, high quality printed artbook and a thank-you letter written by the team at Quantic Dream.

The initial release was chiefly praised for its story, characters, voice acting, and music, but criticised for the ending and graphics. It sold over one million copies. Now is the time to pick up the special edition and play the remaster if you haven’t already. 

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