A new trailer for Gotham Knights has arrived to show off the upcoming open-world action RPG running on PC. The video highlights different high-quality visual features that players can expect with the PC version of the game, including 4K resolution, ultra-high frame rate, ray-traced reflections as well as Nvidia DLSS 2, AMD FSR 2 and Intel XeSuper Sampling (XeSS) for enhanced performance.

PC gamers can also look forward to expansive customization options, as well as ultrawide and multi-monitor support for Gotham Knights at launch on October 21st.

I myself am excited for the release of Gotham Knights. I can’t wait to team up online with friends playing as the Bat family where we take on the criminal underworld within Gotham. Also, I hope there will be content down the line that will introduce other members. Maybe we’ll get Damian or Orphan? Those two tiny terrors have been my personal favourites. Let us know in the comments below which member of the Bat family you’d like to see become a Gotham Knight.

To learn more about Gotham Knights, visit GothamKnightsGame.com or connect with us online via Twitter (@GothamKnights), YouTube (GothamKnights), Instagram (@GothamKnights), Facebook (GothamKnights) and Discord (GothamKnights).

Stay tuned to GamEir. Come talk with us on Twitter (@gam_eir), Facebook (@GamEir), and Instagram (@GamEir).

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