It has come up recently that Cosmere creator, in particular, the Mistborn series, Brandon Sanderson wants CD Projekt Red to bring his fantasy world to life across the virtual world. That’s right ladies and gentlemen Mistborn could become a video game along the same lines as The Witcher and unlike the creator of The Witcher, Sanderson would be an amicable partner.

If you see  below you’ll see what Brandon wrote about how he’d love to work with the team at CD Projekt Red:

“You guys might find this amusing. I read this threat last night at about 3:00, and came REALLY close to posting, “Dear CD Projekt. You can have the Mistborn rights, if you want them…” But this was looking like it would explode as a thread, and I REALLY didn’t want to wake up to several hundred replies in my inbox. I have work to do today…

In all seriousness, I’d love to do something with CDPR. They’ve made by far the best book-to-video game adaptations ever. It’s the sort of thing the rest of us salivate over–if for the simple reason that the entire genre (books, film, and games) benefit from something high-quality on the market like the Witcher games.

I would seriously consider giving CD Project Red the rights to my books for free, because the overall cultural impact that a great story adaptation can have is enormous. Though…I suspect they’re done dealing with self-important fantasy authors, and are likely more interested in creating their own new IPs.”

This is brilliant. As a fan of the Cosmere, I am so excited about the possibilities this potential partnership may bring. Mistborn is just the tip of the iceberg. There is Elantris, the Stormlight series, and my personal favourite Warbreaker. The reason Warbreaker is my favourite? One word – Nightblood.

Are you excited to potentially see CD Projekt Red answer Brandon Sanderson’s call and bring yet another fantasy to the video game realm? Let us know in the comments below. If you want me I’m going to be trying to figure out how each magic system would work in a video game.

About The Author


Graham is the founder of GamEir and his knowledge is ever growing whenever it concerns gaming, films, and cartoons. Just don't ask him about politics.

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